Friday 28th March
For today’s task, we will be writing a description of an incredible place called ‘Tengami’ on the iPad. The children in Class 3 at Walcott and Class 3 at Martin will be writing their descriptions onto the blog. We hope you enjoy reading them.
We’d love to know what you think of them. Please post comments and tell us your thoughts.
From Mr McCann 😀 and Mrs Grooby 🙂
Steps to Success for each group:
Extended writing target – To use adverbs and adverbial phrases
Click here to find out about what adverbs and adverbial phrases are.
Group 1
- Describe the hero’s journey through the land.
- Use powerful verbs.
- Use adverbs.
Group 2
- Describe the hero’s journey through the land.
- Describe their emotions.
- Use powerful verbs.
- Use adverbs.
- Include at least two adverbial phrases.
Group 3
- Use similes, metaphors and personification
- Describe the hero’s journey through the land.
- Describe their emotions.
- Use powerful verbs.
- Use adverbs and adverbial phrases.
- Write in paragraphs.