Daily Archives: February 13, 2014


Encounter with … (Sword & Sworcery Task)

Task is due in on Monday 3rd March

Firstly, well done my groups at Walcott & Martin. Your first blog entries are now on here, which I have commented on too! (So has Mr Sewell on some of them) As we discussed, your task is to write a description of the ‘Deathless Spectre’ that we encountered in the cave. Your word limit is 150 words, so use your words wisely. Think about how to get the most powerful descriptions.

Things to remember:

  • Write in the 3rd person
  • Make it exciting for the reader
  • Use simple sentences to add drama
  • Use personification, similes and metaphors to add more interesting descriptions

Good luck! I may have prizes for those who put the best effort into their descriptions! Remember, those people who do these tasks will be allowed more time on the game 🙂
Here’s what the word spectre means:

1. (Alternative Belief Systems) a ghost; phantom; apparition
2. a mental image of something unpleasant or menacing: the